About Tai

企业家,媒体,,en,专业记者,作家-PR-研究员,,en,广播人格 - 销售 - 营销 - 领导力,,en,皇后区纽约,,en,据家人和朋友说,,en,“泰一直是探险家,,en,研究员,,en,创造者,,en,不怕走出他的舒适区并创造性地表达自己,,en,他是一个文艺复兴时期的人。“,,en,企业家,媒体,,en,专业记者,作家-PR-研究员,,en,广播人格 - 销售 - 营销 - 领导力,,en,皇后区纽约,,en,据家人和朋友说,,en
Radio Personality-Sales-Marketing-Leadership

Queens New York. According to family members and friends:

“Tai has always been the explorer, the researcher, the creator. Not afraid to step out of his comfort zone and express himself creatively. He’s kind of a renaissance personality.”

在,,en,岁,,en,Tai跳入席卷全球的新音乐革命,,en,这是甲壳虫乐队的时代,,en,滚石乐队,,en,吉米亨德里克斯,,en,贾尼斯乔普林和其他人,,en,这是Tai组建他自己的音乐团队所需要的火花,,en,甚至确保在现场表演,,en,世界博览会的纽约馆,,en,在他十几岁和十几岁的时候,,en,Tai在Harlow's担任歌手和吉他手,,en,行动之家,,en,在纽约市的猎豹和他的团队The Wildcats在美国东部巡回演出,,en,“我发现自己在纽约市的主要俱乐部扮演”未成年人“的角色,,en,岁,,en,许可人会来的时候,,en,我不得不把自己隐藏在衣帽架后面,,en,对于一个年轻人而言,这是一个奇怪的场景,并不是很有启发性,,en,从那时起,,en,他作为音乐家的职业生涯,,en 14 years old, Tai jumped into the new music revolution sweeping the world. It was a time of the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Jimmy Hendricks, Janis Joplin and others. That was the spark needed for Tai to put together his own music group- even securing a spot performing at the 1964 World’s Fair’s New York Pavilion.

During his late teens and mid 20 years, Tai performed as vocalist and guitarist at Harlow’s, Action House, Cheetah in New York City and toured with his group The Wildcats throughout eastern USA.

“I found myself playing at major New York City clubs as an “underage” 15 year old. When the license people would come by, I would have to hide myself behind the coat racks. It was a strange scenario for a youngster and not very edifying!”

Since those days, his career as a musician, 歌手和作曲家的成长,,en,他还在全国各种音乐剧中担任舞台演员和歌手的晚宴剧场巡回演出,,en,Tai成功毕业于纽约美国音乐学院的荣誉文凭,,en,展示一部原创喜剧短片“Absolutely Backwards”和歌曲“Memory of You。”“会见Philip Burton,,en,理查德伯顿,,en,伊丽莎白泰勒与导演大卫·马丁合作非常鼓舞人心,它改变了我对创造性可能性的看法,,en,AMDA改变了我的生活,,en,“我还了解到这个行业的竞争力和不友好程度,,en,特别是如果你是睁大眼睛和天真,,en,我是,,en,有时它与人才无关,,en,如果你得到我说的话。“,,en- He also worked the dinner theatre circuit as a stage actor and singer in various musicals countrywide.

In 1970 Tai successfully graduated with an honorary diploma from the American Musical Academy NYC. Showcasing an original comedy skit “Absolutely Backwards” and song “Memory of You.” “Meeting Philip Burton, Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor and working with Director David Martin was incredibly inspirational and it changed my view of what was creatively possible! AMDA changed my life!”.


“I also learned how competitive and unkind this industry could be. Especially if you are wide-eyed and naive. And I was! Sometimes it has nothing to do with talent- if you get what I’m saying.”

在90年代后期,Tai被要求合作制作非百老汇音乐歌舞表演和Bonnie Sander的百老汇月亮歌曲专辑的CD制作,这赢得了他的一致好评,,en,他还有幸与传奇的促销之王会面,,en,Pete Bennett给了Tai一些关于音乐和电影业务的好建议,,en,泰从未放弃对音乐的热爱,,en,他今天继续担任吉他手,,en,作曲家和工作室工程师,,en,与传奇的促销之王皮特贝内特,,en,“如果你想从播放音乐中获得所有奖励,,en,这很简单,,en,你必须先爱音乐。“泰,,en,他几乎不知道这一举动会变得安静 - 随之而来的情况决定了一个新的职业方向,作为一个真实的电台记者,,en. He also had the good fortune of meeting with the legendary King of Promotion- Pete Bennett who gave Tai some great advice on the music and film business.

Tai never abandoned his love for music. He continues today as guitarist, composer and studio engineer.

With the legendary King of Promotion Pete Bennett


“If you want to receive all the rewards from playing music, its simple, you must first love the music.” Tai.

In 1993 Tai Aguirre decided to leave the hustle and bustle of his native New York City to live a greener and slower-paced life in rural upstate New York. Little did he know that the move would be anything but quiet – and the circumstances that would ensue determined a new career direction as a truth-baring radio journalist.

Aguirre became unwittingly embroiled in a Stephen King-worthy rural horror story of jurisdictional battles with government regulatory agencies. The agencies threatened his costly renovation project after giving their official approval. “这很简单,,en,DEP试图将我的房子置于一些虚假的环境监管之下,,en,我已获得所有当地和州的批准进行翻新,,en,但有些有影响力,,en,疯狂的环保主义者坚称他们想要控制土地和私人财产,我似乎很容易成为他们的目标,,en,他们错了,,en,因此EPA / DEP和enviros在州法院起诉我,,en,试图开创“潜在的败血症失败的先例”,,en,一个闻所未闻的先例。“,,en,泰认识到赢得胜利的唯一途径是对他的政府监管斗争进行辩护,以便向公众宣传他的故事,,en,他积极地接触媒体,并向普通的乔和简提醒政府监管机构对普通公民的不公正待遇,,en, the DEP tried to take my house under some bogus environmental regulation. I had received all the local and state approvals to renovate. But some influential, crazy environmentalists insisted they wanted control of the land and private property and I seemed an easy target for them. They were very wrong.

So the EPA/DEP and the enviros sued me in State court, trying to set a precedent of “potential septic failure. An unheard of precedent.”

Tai realized that the only way to win was to wage a defense campaign against his government regulatory battle was to get his story out to the public.

He aggressively reached out to media and alerted the average Joe and Jane to the injustices government regulatory agencies routinely carry out on ordinary citizens.

After all, 如果它发生在我身上,,en,任何人都可能成为下一个。“Aguirre的故事被几家高流通报纸,电视和电台节目报道,包括”环球日报“,,en,媒体曝光被证明是Tai Aguirre最终胜利的转折点之一,,en,“我的情节很激烈,压力很大,,en,长时间不睡觉,,en,然而,,en,我开始相信一种叫做神圣干预的事情,,en,这是天赐之物,我终于找到了大西洋法律基金会和副总裁马丁考夫曼,他代表我站起来,迫使这些环境和政府机构退出疯狂的诉讼,,en,Tai的故事可以通过World Net Daily的报道进行评论,,en,我的胜利被高度宣传,,en, anyone could be next.” Aguirre’s story was covered by several high circulation newspapers and television and radio shows including WorldNet Daily, WABC Radio and FOX TV news. The media exposure turned out to be one of the tipping points in Tai Aguirre’s ultimate victory.

“My episode was intense and highly stressful, with long periods of no-sleep. However, I have come to believe in a thing called divine intervention. It was a Godsend that I finally found the Atlantic Legal Foundation and VP Martin Kaufman who stood up on my behalf and forced these enviros and government agencies to back down from their insane lawsuit. Tai’s story can be reviewed via World Net Daily’s coverage. http://www.couldyoubenext.com/about.html

My victory was highly publicized. Shortly thereafter, similar hardship stories from other families fighting battles with regulatory and bureaucratic agencies poured in from all over the country. Aguirre现在发现自己是一个现在消息灵通的倡导者,并做了皇后区的任何创意大嘴纽约人所做的事情,,en,你能成为下一个吗?,,en,“我们暴露了政府和官僚腐败,并为政府受害者提供了一个平台,,en,我觉得我们帮了很多人,,en,我必须亲自了解政府正在滥用公民的背后是什么。“国会议员罗恩保罗经常出现在泰的各种广播节目中,,en,三年的大卫和歌利亚法律战斗之前提到危及阿吉雷的家,,en,民生,也对他的健康造成了个人伤害,,en,他从这次经历中了解到,政府虐待的其他受害者经常遭受严重的健康问题,,en,提出了这个问题,,en,身体和心灵如何治愈自己,,en,他开始了,,en: He created a news/talk exposé radio show! Could You Be Next? “We exposed government and bureaucratic corruption and gave a platform for victims of government. I feel we helped a lot of people. I had to find out for myself what was behind this on-going government abuse of citizens.” Congressman Ron Paul appeared often on Tai’s various radio programs.

The three-year David and Goliath legal battle mentioned before jeopardized Aguirre’s home, livelihood and also took a personal toll on his health.

He learned from this experience how other victims of government abuse often suffer from dramatic health problems. Which raised the question: How does the body and mind heal itself? He embarked on a 2 年研究人类和精力充沛的系统如何运作以及可用的尖端治疗范例,,en,他与齐公大师罗伯特彭和齐飞龙学习了一段时间,并学习了如何提高操纵一个人的能量水平来治愈,,en,旅行的爱好者,,en,他决定把它变成一个关于全世界侨民社区的新电台节目,,en,ExpatShow®诞生于纽约ABC联盟WTBQ电台,,en,泰继续在这方面学习,,en,他作为整体医疗从业者获得了董事会认证,,en,他继续与朋友和家人分享他的知识,并享有良好的健康,,en,新计划获得了媒体的好评,,en,包括来自国会的美国海外核心小组,,en,主席国会议员Joseph Wilson,,en. He studied for a short while with QiGong masters Robert Peng and Qi Feilong and learned about improving manipulating one’s energy level to heal.

A lover of travel, he decided to turn it into a new radio show for and about the world-wide expatriate community.

The Expat Show® was born over ABC affiliate WTBQ radio in New York.

Tai continued study in this area. In 2017 he achieved Board Certification as a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner.

He continues to share his knowledge with friends and family and enjoys good health.

The new program received media acclaim, including from Congress’s Americans Abroad Caucus- Chairman Congressman Joseph Wilson.

“泰能够为1100多万居住在国外的美国人提供住所,,en,这些美国人是我们海外的大使。“,,en,许多嘉宾参加了他的节目,包括电台偶像Barry Farber以及老师和剧作家DB Giles,,en,Tai的公司受到哥伦比亚政府的邀请,与该国的顶级IT供应商会面,,en,“也许保守秘密,,en,但哥伦比亚拥有一些软件开发方面最优秀的企业家,,en,安全和基础设施,,en,我爱上了波哥大及其人民,,en,他们散发着自然的温暖和真诚,,en,我结识了很多朋友“泰,,en,“我相信我可能对我见过的人所取得的成功,,en,每个人都很特别,有教学的东西,,en,我永远不会忘记这一点。“泰,,en. These Americans are our ambassadors overseas.”

Many guests participated on his show including radio icon Barry Farber and teacher and playwrite DB Giles.

In 2014 Tai’s company was invited by the Colombian government to meet with the country’s top IT vendors.

“Perhaps a well kept secret, but Colombia has some of the best entrepreneurs in software development, security and infrastructure. I fell in love with Bogota and its people. They exude a natural warmth and sincerity. I made some great friends” Tai.

“I credit any success I may have to the people I have met. Everyone is special and has something to teach. I never forget this.” tai

Tai简历包括BEST NEW PRODUCT奖项,,en,高级奖励表演贾维茨中心,,en,NYC,,en,任何场合的个人歌曲™原创音乐,,en,最佳新产品/技术“CRYSTAL APPLE AWARD”高级奖励展示NYCforINCENTIWEB®激励行业中首批在线创建企业宣传和奖励计划的奖励计划之一,,en,Tai还曾担任国家组织劳工期刊和作家/博主的专栏作家,,en,以前的Taico®奖励服务。,,en,并完成了他的第一部剧本,,en,在Hawk湖WGA东部的阴影,,en,无论泰国旅行到哪个国家,他都必须携带他的吉他并分享一些爵士乐的优秀标准,,en,在梅里达墨西哥期间,他被要求在梅里达着名的SOHO美术馆演出,,en, Premium Incentive Show Javits Center, NYC: Your Personal Song ™ original music for any occasion. BEST NEW PRODUCT/TECHNOLOGY “CRYSTAL APPLE AWARD” Premium Incentive Show NYC for INCENTIWEB® One of the first in the incentive industry to create corporate promotional and incentive programs on-line.

Tai also worked as a columnist for National Organized Labor Journal and writer/blogger at www.divvyengagement.com. (Formerly Taico® Incentive Services.)

And finished his first screenplay: Shadow Over Hawk Lake WGA East.

Whatever country Tai travels to he makes sure to bring along his guitar and share some of Jazz’s great standards. While in Merida Mexico he was asked to play at Merida’s famous SOHO Art Gallery. 在SOHO经常发生的是那些在深夜果酱会议中停留的伟大球员,,en,泰仍然有许多创作兴趣,,en,他利用自己适度的录音工作室创作主题并教授音乐和工作室工艺,,en,他的冒险经历继续.........敬请期待,,en,泰可以到达,,en,tai@taicoproductions.com,,en,插件更新,,en,链接,,en,播放列表,,en,事件,,en,柱,,es,貘,,en,通知,,en.

Today, Tai still enjoys a number of creative interests. He utilizes his modest recording studio to compose themes and teach music and studio craft.

His adventures continue………stay tuned.

Tai can be reached at tai@taicoproductions.com